Having fun in Bari

Free time in Bari

How to entertain in Bari? Here are some unusual ideas that you like Bari is full of places and historical monuments to visit, however there are also several things you can do during your stay in this city. In fact, it is not just a place to see, but it is also a place from ...
Nightlife Bari

Nightlife in Bari

In Bari there is no lack of nightlife: find out what to do in the evening in the capital of Puglia and live your Bari experience. Bari is not only rich in history and monuments, there is also space for the nightlife. There are several areas of the city where you can eat, drink, enjoy an aperitif or listen ...
A beer on the San Nicola Pier

A beer in the Porto Vecchio

Il Porto Vecchio: a meeting point a stone's throw from the ancient village if you love beer and nightlife then most likely you will not exclude the possibility of jumping to the old port of Bari precisely at the San Nicola pier, behind the Margherita Theater ( The theater built on ...
Local music Poggiofranco Bari

In the premises of Poggiofranco

Entertainment and fun: Poggiofranco among your points of reference The Poggiofranco district, in addition to falling among the most modern neighborhoods of the city, is also a place for the Bari nightlife. The Poggiofranco district has always been full of clubs has always played a role of aggregation and entertainment for the many Bari of the area or neighboring neighborhoods. Thank you ...
Having fun in Bari

Relax in the Park 2 June

The largest green area of ​​Bari where to breathe pure air, relax and enjoy nature, the park 2 June is the largest park in the city of Bari. Dal 1987, the year of its birth, has become a point of entertainment and meeting for many young people, elderly people and families. The park 2 June is not just a ...
Aperitif in Bari

The aperitif in Poggiofranco

Poggiofranco, the heart of modern Bari and the nightlife The Poggiofranco district is one of the most modern neighborhoods of the city. He has known a strong development around the 90s and still continues his strong expansion with new buildings intended for homes and commercial activities. Being full of clubs and some ...
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Bariexperience.com tourist blog Ivan Giuliani
Bariexperience.com is a tribute to the territory born from the passion and commitment of Ivan, a Bari citizen graduated in communication.
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