Visit Castel del Monte Puglia

“Visit Castel del Monte”: from the castle to the villages of Puglia, the association's guided tours

Attention the recommended tours on this site are not organized by Bariexperience, as well as promoting the territory, also offers visibility to activities/experiences organized by third parties and already present on the web. The user is invited to check the quality of the tours and the accuracy of the information directly on sites, links and references of ...
How many days to see Bari?

How many days does it take to visit Bari?

How long does it take to see Bari? Let's find out how many days they need to explore the capital of Puglia if you are planning a visit to Bari, you are on the right path for an unforgettable adventure. Located along the splendid Adriatic coast of southern Italy, Bari is a city full of history, culture and culinary delights that ...

In the oldest carnival in Europe, the Putignano Carnival

Colors, joy and magic! The oldest carnival in Europe is located in Puglia, in Putignano in the photo: the Apocalypse-Carta & Colorfonte Association Image: algorici/l-apocalisse/ Putignano It is a location in the province of Bari who, thanks to some of its peculiarities, undoubtedly falls among the most interesting places to visit in the surroundings of the capital ...

Hot air balloon ride to see Matera, the city of the Sassi

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Behind the blog tourist blog Ivan Giuliani is a tribute to the territory born from the passion and commitment of Ivan, a Bari citizen graduated in communication.
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