BariExperience see visit Bari surroundings Puglia

What to see in Bari in 1 day

What to see in Bari in one day? you can visit different places, more than you can imagine! If you are wondering what to see in Bari in one day, here you will find some useful suggestions to be able to visit the main attractions of the city in a short time. Does your experience in Bari last just one day? nothing to […] Find out more

The Archaeological Area in Bari Vecchia

The open-air museum of Bari: the precious archaeological area of ​​San Pietro in the heart of Bari Vecchia The archaeological area of ​​San Pietro is one of the oldest and most significant areas of Bari as it reflects a concentration of eras ranging from prehistory to the present day . Adjacent to the Santa Scolastica Museum, exactly […] Find out more

What to see in Bari in 3 hours

Little time to see Bari? Here's what you can visit even in half a day. If you want to see Bari but time isn't in your favor here are some suggestions from BariExperience to visit Bari in a few hours. If you are on this page you will probably be a cruise passenger stopping in Bari, or maybe you will be […] Find out more

The military shrine of the fallen overseas

The tribute to the Italian soldiers fallen in foreign lands: the evocative Military Shrine of Bari The Military Shrine of the fallen overseas preserves the remains of approximately 75,000 Italian soldiers (of which 40,000 unfortunately remain unknown) who fell in foreign lands in the wars between 1941 and 1945. The decision to collect the remains of these soldiers […] Find out more

The old city tower

The old defense of the port and the splendid Bari Vecchia: the Fort of Sant'Antonio The Fort of San'Antonio is one of the most characteristic elements of the wall surrounding Bari Vecchia; it is located in one of the highest points of these walls and its history originates precisely in 1071 when, in defense from […] Find out more

The charm of the Bari seafront

Absolutely worth seeing: Bari's seafront, among the longest and most beautiful in Italy and Europe. The Bari seafront, in addition to being one of the most characteristic places in the city, is also considered among the most beautiful in Italy and among the longest in Europe. The seafront originates around the first half […] Find out more

The imposing Cathedral of San Sabino

An example of Romanesque in Puglia: the Cathedral of San Sabino and the bell tower overlooking Bari Vecchia The Cathedral of San Sabino is one of the most characteristic examples of the Romanesque style in Puglia. Also visible in the distance thanks to an imposing bell tower, so important that it is present in many images depicting Bari, this […] Find out more

Art in the Pinacoteca of Bari

For lovers of paintings and sculptures: the Pinacoteca di Bari, the art museum on the city's seafront. The Pinacoteca di Bari entitled "Corrado Giaquinto", an eighteenth-century painter, is a museum that offers the visitor a collection of paintings created by Apulian artists or works of art that have a correlation, direct or indirect, with […] Find out more

Palazzo Simi and its basement

Palazzo Simi: the museum of old Bari with the history of the city kept underground Palazzo Simi is a building located in the heart of old Bari built in 1500 on the remains of a Byzantine style church, which in turn was built on the remains of structures from the Roman era ; objects are kept inside […] Find out more

The experience in the Archaeological Museum

The Archaeological Museum of Bari in the heart of the old city The Archaeological Museum of Bari is located inside the former convent of Santa Scolastica, among the oldest and most evocative structures in the city (history has it that it was built shortly before the 10th century) . The Museum of Santa Scolastica preserves precious archaeological finds found […] Find out more
