What to see in Bari on foot

What to see in Bari on foot? 5 attractions to visit

Walk on foot for Bari? Here are some attractions that can be seen without means of transport welcome to the splendid city of Bari, a jewel set in the heart of Puglia, where millenary history is intertwined with the lively contemporary atmosphere. If you are ready to immerse yourself in the authentic essence of this coastal city, Then get ready for ...
Petruzzelli Theater national monument

The Petruzzelli and Piccinni theaters in Bari become "national monuments"

/*! ELEMENTER-V3.23.0-05-08-2024 */ .Lementor-Heading-Title {Padding: 0; Margin: 0; Line-Height: 1}. elementor-widget-heading .lementor-Heading-Title> a {color : inherit; font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit} .elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-small {font-size: 15px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading -Title.elementor-Size-Medium {font-size: 19px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-large {font-size: 29px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading -Title.elementor-Size-XL {font-size: 39px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-xxl {font-size: 59px} 18 March 2024 46 Italian theaters become "national monuments ", among these also the two Barese theaters, the Culture Commission of the Chamber has approved an amendment to declare the Petruzzelli Theater and the Niccolò Piccinni theater of Bari, (together with the theaters ...

Guided tour of Bari: 2 hours to discover the main places of the city

/*! ELEMENTAR-V3.23.0-05-08-2024 */ .Lementor-ALTRT {Padding: 15px; Border-Left: 5px Solid Transparent; Position: Related; Text-Align: Start} .Lementor-Alert .Lementor-Alert-Title {Display: Block; Font-Weight: 700} .Lementor-Alert .Lementor-Alert-Descration {Font-Size: 13px} .Lementor-Alert Button.elementor-ALART-DISMISS {Position: Absolute; Right: Var (- Dismiss-icon-horizontal-posto, 10px); Top: Var (-Dismiss-icon-vertical-post, 10px); Padding: 3px; font-size: var (-dismiss-icon-size, 20px); line -Height: 1; Background: Transparent; Color: Var (-Dismiss-icon-Normal-Color, Inherit); Border: None; Cursor: Pointer; Transition-leading: Var (-Dismiss-icon-Hover-Trasition- Duration, .3s)}. Elerar-ALTRT Button.elementor-ALERT-DISMISS: Hover {Color: Var (-Dismiss-icon-Hover-Color, inherit)}. Width: VAR (-Dismiss-icon-Size, 20px); Height: Var (-Dismiss-icon-Size, 20px); Fill: Var (-Dismiss-icon-normal-color, Currentolor); Transition-d primation : VAR (-Dismiss-icon-Hover-TRENSITION-NIGINATION, .3S)}. } .Lementor-Alert-Info .Lementor-Alert {Color:#31708F; Background-Color:#D9edf7; Border-Color:#BCDFF1} .Lementor-ALERT-SUCCESSS .Lementor-Alert {Color:#3C763D; :#dff0d8; border-color:#cae6be}. elementor-anter-worning. elementor-{color:#8a6d3b; background-color:#fcf8e3; border-color:#f9f0c3}. elementor-art-body. elementor- Alert {Color:#A94442; Background-Color:#F2Dede; Border-Color:#e8c4c4} @media (Max-Width: 767px) {. Eleor-Alert {Padding: 10px} .Lementor-Alert Button.elementor-Alert- DISMISS {Right: 7px; Top: 7px}} Attention The recommended tours on this site are not organized by Bariexperience.com Bariexperience, as well as promoting the territory, also offers visibility to activities/experiences organized by third parties and already present ...
Free visits to the Petruzzelli Theatre

7 days to visit the Petruzzelli Theater for free

/*! ELEMENTER-V3.23.0-05-08-2024 */ .Lementor-Heading-Title {Padding: 0; Margin: 0; Line-Height: 1}. elementor-widget-heading .lementor-Heading-Title> a {color : inherit; font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit} .elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-small {font-size: 15px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading -Title.elementor-Size-Medium {font-size: 19px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-large {font-size: 29px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading -Title.elementor-Size-xl {font-size: 39px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-xxl {font-size: 59px} 7 June 2020 waiting to refrain with shows , the Petruzzelli Theater will allow free guided tours a week of free visits waiting to start the season and the shows again. An interesting initiative of the Foundation will allow visitors ...

Historic theaters of Bari

/*! ELEMENTER-V3.23.0-05-08-2024 */ .Lementor-Heading-Title {Padding: 0; Margin: 0; Line-Height: 1}. elementor-widget-heading .lementor-Heading-Title> a {color : inherit; font-size: inherit; line-height: inherit} .elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-small {font-size: 15px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading -Title.elementor-Size-Medium {font-size: 19px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-large {font-size: 29px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading -Title.elementor-Size-xl {font-size: 39px}. elementor-widget-heading. elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-xxl {font-size: 59px} to discover the Italian theaters: here are 4 Historical theaters of Bari to see absolutely. They shine in the heart of Bari and are one more beautiful than the other, these are theaters that have made the history of this city, of Puglia ...
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Bariexperience.com tourist blog Ivan Giuliani
Bariexperience.com is a tribute to the territory born from the passion and commitment of Ivan, a Bari citizen graduated in communication.
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