What to see in Bari? Here are ten things to see absolutely when you are in the capital of Puglia
It's true, sometimes time isn't enough, but there are some places that you absolutely shouldn't miss when you decide to see Bari and visit its attractions, monuments and most characteristic places .
Bari has many places to visit , some are in the sunlight, others are to be discovered, but certainly many of these cannot go unnoticed from the moment you are here or in the surroundings of Bari .
Here then are 10 things to see, ten useful suggestions for a quick overview of some of the most beautiful and unique places to see in Bari, and in many cases also visit , in this beautiful seaside city, capital of the splendid and popular Puglia .
If you are curious to discover what there is to see in the surroundings of Bari then you will only be able to discover it by browsing this site, made especially for you!
fact, near Bari to see the enchanting Polignano a Mare, or the characteristic Monopoli and the suggestive Alberobello, not to mention the very famous Castellana Caves and all the other places not far from Bari such as Trani and Giovinazzo (to name someone).
In short, when you decide to see Bari you will inevitably also travel to its precious surroundings .
But as promised, let's focus on the ten things to see in Bari during your unforgettable experience in Puglia .
Symbols of Bari: the Basilica of San Nicola
Within the walls of the Swabian Castle
Petruzzelli Theatre: a historic theater in Bari
Discovering Bari sotterranea
The street of the orecchiette
The suggestive Bari Vecchia
The charm of the Bari seafront
Via Sparano, the shopping street
The famous beach in the city: Pane e pomodoro
Fizzarotti Palace
The most sought after tours to see Bari
Occasions to live the city! And if you have an unexpected, the cancellation is free .
Interesting itineraries to see Bari
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