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Where is the cleanest sea in Italy? Once again in Puglia

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June 23, 2024

Puglia has the cleanest sea in Italy for the fourth consecutive year: "excellent" quality


Puglia cleanest sea in Italy 2024Imagine diving into the crystal clear waters of the splendid Italian coast knowing that 95.6% of them are considered to be of "excellent" quality, with an average among the best in Europe.

Well, now imagine diving into those of Puglia whose bathing waters are considered " excellent ", as well as the cleanest in Italy . According to data collected by the National System for Environmental Protection, in fact, Puglia ranks for the fourth consecutive year in first place with 99.7% clean water , even surpassing the quality of the waters of the splendid and well-known Sardinia ( 98.4%).

In detail it is noted that of the 676 stretches of the Apulian coast suitable for bathing, 78 are only in the Terra di Bari but there are also 88 in the province of Brindisi, 46 in the province of Barletta-Andria-Trani, 254 in the province of Foggia, 139 and 71 respectively in the provinces of Lecce and Taranto.

So don't wait any longer, the crystal clear waters of Puglia are calling you! Discover the magic of its excellent beaches, where natural beauty blends with the warm welcome of Southern Italy .

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