"Creative dialogues on visualtourism": bariexperience.com guest of the Cultural Association of Tourist Promotion Incittà
February 24, 2025
An in -depth talk on digital tourism. The synergy of incitty & bariexperience.com to sensitize students
"La Fabbrica delle Idee" event , the event promoted by Confimi Industry Bari-Bat-Foggia which traces, through a photographic exhibition, the history of industry in Puglia, there is also space for tourism.
From 20 to 28 February, in fact, Spazio Murat (Piazza del Ferrarese) will frame for several in -depth talk and interviews on the topic, with "Without filters - creative dialogues on visualtourism" which will enrich the information offer of the students of some High schools.
Ivan Giuliani , founder of Bariexperience.com , will speak on Wednesday 26 February at 10:00 , bringing his experience in the world of digital tourism promotion and the value of online strategies to make the territory known. The talk , edited by the cultural and tourist promotion association Incittà , will be an important opportunity to learn more about the aspects that have made Bariexperience.com an online reference point to discover the Terra di Bari , as well as the potential of visualtourism e of the new technologies that are revolutionizing the visual narrative and the approach to travel experiences.
Program of interventions in Spazio Murat

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