What to see in Bari Experience Puglia and surroundings
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Ivan Giuliani Bari Experience

HI! I am Ivan, the author of Bariexperience.com . With this blog, created and managed independently, I tell Bari and surroundings in a simple and exciting way, to feed the curiosity of thousands of users and offer a free tribute to my territory.

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Images of Bari in Times Square

Bari shines in New York: images of the city on the big screen in Times Square


July 2, 2024

Bari on the screens of the TSX Broadway, in the heart of New York. It is BariExperience's homage to the city


Images of Bari in Times Square New York

“Do you know my city? This is Bari” . This is how he recites the message that accompanied some beautiful images of Bari on the screen of one of the most famous squares (if not the most famous) in New York City , in the heart of Manhattan .

We are talking about Times Square where at 5.15pm on Monday 1 July (11.15pm in Italy) the screens of the TSX Broadway , the famous 46-storey tower and also the setting for major events and shows, projected some evocative locations of Bari , capturing the attention of hundreds of passers-by on a normal afternoon in New York .

Times Square , in fact, is estimated to be frequented daily by over 300,000 people (only on foot) , which is why there are so many brands that display their products and services on various digital screens. A real marketing showcase where being present for even just a few seconds can attract the attention of several hundred people present.

For this reason BariExperience , the independent blog for the promotion and valorisation of the territory, which has become increasingly popular among tourists who are about to come to Bari, has decided to pay homage to the city with a short 15-second film which was screened precisely in Times Square, in one of the busiest time slots.


Bari in Times Square New York


Those who were passing through, therefore, were able to observe some images of the capital of Puglia , including the inevitable seafront with the characteristic street lamps in the foreground, a skyline of old Bari seen from the sea, the characteristic "lovers' square" in evening (Largo Apricocca) , a suggestive glimpse of the Margherita theater and a breathtaking overview of the Nazario Sauro seafront .

Below is the BariExperience commercial projected on the big screen of the TSX Broadway, on the corner of 7th Avenue and 47th Street, NYC.

Watch the Times Square video

Webcam: EarthCam

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