Sunniest places in Italy? Bari is among the cities with the most hours of sunshine
With 332 hours of sunshine monthly, Bari and Puglia confirm a prestigious position in terms of climate
With its 17th place out of 50 Italian cities examined, Bari confirms its privileged position in terms of climate and temperatures thanks to the 332 monthly hours of sunshine recorded.
It is no coincidence, in fact, that the climate of Bari always proves to be one of the main attractions of the area, a value recognized not only by the people of Bari themselves but above all by the thousands of tourists who every year choose Bari as their travel .
The sun in Bari actually never fails and the rare times it does make itself felt since the city thrives on sun and sea and, essentially, on pleasant climatic conditions; characteristics that make the Apulian city the flagship even in terms of quality of life , making your stay in the area .
It goes without saying that this interesting result that emerged during a comparison with other Italian cities can only reward, by extension, the entire area surrounding Bari , as well as the beautiful towns of the province which are just a few kilometers from the Apulian capital .
In short, if you are looking for a particularly sunny place in Italy , Bari is officially one of the 50 cities to absolutely take into consideration.
To discover Bari and the traditions
Occasions to live the city! And if you have an unexpected, the cancellation is free .
Other tips on what to do in Bari
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