A new record for Bari Airport
January 14, 2020
Over 5 million people have passed through Bari airport
I want to highlight some news that can only make a citizen of Bari like me proud.
Bari Karol Wojtyla Airport reaches a new record and continues to let millions of people pass through Bari; specifically, 5,531,580 transited through the Bari airport in 2019, approximately 10% more than the year before.
For the more curious, I point out the source of this good news.
It is not the first time that Bari Airport has been the protagonist of such important numbers, and it will not surprise me if next year it were to beat this same record.
In fact, I believe that in the coming years this figure is certainly destined to grow considering the strong interest in Bari and Puglia as well as the many connections abroad which continue to increase year after year.
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