News and curiosities

Initiatives, anecdotes and curiosities: some things you might want to know for your trip to Bari!
Bari is a city always on the move, full of events, initiatives and many things to know. If you are interested in visiting Bari , or Puglia in general, then you will most likely search the internet for some curiosities that could make your Bari experience even more stimulating.
Well, if this is your goal then you are in the right place. Within this page (and not only here, but in the rest of the site) you can get updates about some events and initiatives that might attract your attention, or discover anecdotes of this splendid area with the complicity of the author of this blog.
If you don't find the information you are looking for, try searching the site, you will find a world of experiences you can have in Bari.
Word of BariExperience!
The most sought after tours to see Bari
Occasions to live the city! And if you have an unexpected, the cancellation is free .
Other tips and experiences to be done in Bari
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