Bari lands on Netflix: the film shot in the city with the actress Sophia Loren is out
October 22, 2020
It's called "Life in front of you", the next film coming out on Netflix, shot in the Apulian capital.
And so even the great cinema chooses my splendid Bari .
, the film shot in the city with the famous and wonderful Italian actress Sophia Loren will be released on November 13th on Netflix .
For some time now, Puglia has been literally besieged by directors and producers, and Netflix is further confirmation of how much Bari and Puglia are really growing, so much so that they have more and more visibility and consensus, in Italy, in Europe and in the world.
Seeing Bari on TV is always a thrill, but seeing it in the catalog of films offered by Netflix is unparalleled. More and more proud of this splendid territory, more and more proud and happy for my Puglia .
Other news and curiosities about Bari and surroundings
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