Palazzo Simi and its basement
Palazzo Simi: the museum of old Bari with the history of the city kept underground
Palazzo Simi is a building located in the heart of old Bari built in 1500 on the remains of a Byzantine style church, which was in turn built on the remains of structures from the Roman era; Inside are preserved objects found during excavations such as ancient coins and ceramics of different types, carved stones and funerary vases (dating back to prehistoric times) found not only in Bari and its surroundings but also in various areas of the Apulian territory .
But what will make your visit to Palazzo Simi will be its basement. Going underground (almost 3 meters deep) you will be able to observe what remains of the ancient Byzantine church dedicated to San Gregorio de Falconibus, i.e. the three apses with the altar, as well as an ancient Roman style accommodation (also recognizable by the flooring typical of the time), an ancient oven and the remains of a Romanesque style built on the previous Byzantine one.
Therefore, for history lovers, this medieval palace holds many surprises thanks to an interesting mix of eras that will make you take a crazy leap back in time; it is no coincidence that this palace is the third stop on the characteristic route dedicated to Bari sotterranea .
As we said before, Palazzo Simi is located in the heart of the historic center of Bari , a couple of blocks from the splendid Cathedral of San Sabino (another wonderful attraction of old Bari ) . Obviously you have to get there on foot, but in order not to get lost among the alleys of the historic centre, the advice that BariExperience can give you is to enter the ancient village from Via Benedetto Petrone, i.e. the road that begins at the end of Via Sparano, on the corner with Corso Vittorio Emanuele.
Entrance to the civic museum is FREE, however it is also possible to book an interesting guided tour .
Where is Palazzo Simi?
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Occasions to live the city! And if you have an unexpected, the cancellation is free .
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