Tourist map of Bari If you are on this page it is because you are most likely looking for a map, or better yet, a tourist map of Bari to discover all the monuments and attractions you can visit. Well, you are in the right place as this map will not only allow you to discover the points of […] Find out more
Questions, ideas, projects? So let's talk. Hi! I'm Ivan, I deal with Marketing, Communication and Digital, but above all I'm the author of I created this blog, simple, practical and engaging, to enhance our territory and reach thousands of potential tourists in the world (6 millions of views on Google and over 200 thousand visits only […] Find out more
If the rest of the blog is dedicated to suggestions for making the most of your experience in Bari, this is my little corner, even more personal! Yes, I'm still Ivan the author of and this is a space dedicated to some curiosities or personal experiences that I have the pleasure of […] Find out more
Bari's thousand-year history carries with it ancient legends and popular Bari traditions. Unsolved tales and mysteries, romantic stories and chilling legends. These are just some of the many faces of Bari's thousand-year history that characterize the capital, making it always fascinating and simultaneously mysterious. It is above all the walls of the ancient village that preserve particularly legends [...] Find out more
For history and art lovers, interesting museums and experiences for your trip to Bari. From museum paintings to monuments, from historic buildings to archaeological excavations that have highlighted the thousand-year history of this fantastic area. Bari offers an architectural, historical, artistic and cultural heritage worthy of the expectations of […] Find out more
From the splendid Basilica of San Nicola di Bari Vecchia to the churches on the outskirts of Bari. Bari is a city full of churches, from the largest and most majestic to the small and graceful ones. The churches of Bari are a historical and architectural heritage that the city preserves with great care, commitment and thoughtfulness, despite centuries of history behind it. From the heart […] Find out more
Discovering Italian-style theatres: here are 4 historic theaters in Bari that you absolutely must see. They shine in the heart of Bari and are one more beautiful than the other, these are the theaters that have made the history of this city, of Puglia and also of Italy since one of those listed is the fourth largest theater [...] Find out more
The most beautiful guided tours to discover all the beauty of Bari and its surroundings. The best of Bari in a few hours. From old Bari to the seafront, from the monuments to the main streets, up to the historic buildings and gastronomy. Bari is a seaside city with a thousand-year history to be told and discovered, from […] Find out more
Do you want to see Bari and Puglia? Discover suggestive and breathtaking places now. There are places in Puglia that deserve to be seen and above all experienced; some of these are very close to Bari, a further valid reason to take them into consideration during your Bari experience. The Apulian territory never ceases to amaze, there are corners […] Find out more
Are you a good eater? Here are the flavors and traditions of Bari and Puglia cuisine. If there is one thing that will never be lacking in Bari, and in Puglia in general, it is good cuisine. Many typical recipes handed down from generation to generation and which have become famous not only in Italy but also in the rest of the world. I am […] Find out more