
The sweet weekend, the Chocolate Festival, returns to Bari!

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From Bariexperience.com to member of the Board of Directors of Young Entrepreneurs of Confcommercio Bari

October 18, 2022 in the new team established by Confcoomercio Bari-Bat, passing from "Bari Experience" the group of young entrepreneurs Confcommercio of the Bari-Bat province is a category association of fundamental importance for local businesses. A group consisting of young tertiary entrepreneurs is now ready to take off, especially in the light of ...

Exquisite advice

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The legend of the Witches' Arch in old Bari

An officially nameless arch, but which in Bari Vecchia is known as the arch of the Masciàre in Bari Vecchia exist about fifty arches whose names are inspired by their architectural structure, or pay homage to old traditions and legends from Bari. However, there is an arch in Old Bari which is officially not inserted ...

Legends of old Bari: the mystery of the "Turk's Head"

The legend of the Turkish Emir that on the night of the Epiphany challenged the spirit of a popular tradition from Bari like all the places with millenary history, even Bari Vecchia hides a legend to make the skin crawl. The testimony of this is depicted by the sculpture relating to the face of a Saracen, with its turban, ...
Bariexperience data

Site numbers

Numbers of bariexperience.comguarda from where they visit this blogt site that is not found by tourists is like a cathedral in the desert. My commitment is to enhance the territory and to do it by pouring all my expertise accumulated over the years in marketing, web and digital strategies. Bariexperience.com receives thousands of visitors from ...
How to collaborate with bariexperience.com

Let's collaborate

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Behind the blog
Bariexperience.com tourist blog Ivan Giuliani
Bariexperience.com is a tribute to the territory born from the passion and commitment of Ivan, a Bari citizen graduated in communication.
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